Applied BioPhysics

ECIS® Z-Theta                                                  ECIS® TEER Z                                                  ECIS® 8-well Transfilter Array

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ECIS® Z-Theta

  • Complex impedance analyser


  • ECIS® (Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing) quantifies morphology changes in the sub-nanometer to micrometer ranges.


  • Small altering currents are applied across an electron pattern at the bottom of the array which results in a potential across the electrodes being measured by the system. Cells act as insulators increasing the impedance.


  • Stimulating cells to change their function alter the impedance which can be detected by the system.


  • The instrument can use a range of AC-frequencies from 100 to 100 kHz and complex impedance measurement to determine different cell morphology parameters including barrier function, close contacts, and membrane capacitance.


  • 16- or 96-well station for use with 8-well or 96-well arrays

  • Station is designed to put in an incubator for optimal cell growth. Incubators are also available from Dunn Labortechnik.


  • Laptop (WIN 11)


  • Software for data acquisition and analysis


Continuous, Real-time TEER Measurement System:


  • Experience seamless and repeatable label-free

        automated transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER)

        measurements, allowing you to electrically track cell

        layers in real-time.


  • TEER in 24- or 96-well format


  • TEER monitored under standard cell incubation


  • Non-invasive measurement


  • Read 96 wells in under 5 minutes


  • Uses Millipore® or Corning® cell-culture insert plates



  • Reads 24- or 96-well filter plates
  • Medical-grade stainless steel electrode dipping pins
  • 75 Hz sinusoidal excitation
  • Power: < 2 watts, 12 V dc
  • Station: 30 x 13 x 25 cm
  • Controller: 48.3 x 43.2 x 21.6 cm
  • Windows PC with ECIS® Software

User Friendly Software:

  • TEER values vs. time graph
  • Click-button initiation
  • Colour-coded well mapping
  • Stores values without cells (flat-fielding)
  • Group average and compare data
  • Statistical error bars
  • Data output in CSV or graphical (JPEG, TIFF) 

The ECIS® TEER Z Cartridge, seamlessly transitions your cell culture plate from the incubator to the cell culture hood while ensuring a sterile environment is maintained. The upper section of the plate features pairs of medical-grade stainless steel dipping pins for easy and precise insertion. 

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ECIS® 8-well Transfilter Array

  • Automated TEER measurements under incubated conditions
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Uses standard 24-well cell culture inserts
  • Non-invasive and label-free

® 8-well Transfilter Array (8wTFA) allows researchers to measure transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) on standard cell culture 24-well inserts using Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS®). The 8wTFA can be used with the ECIS® Z-Theta 16-well station (see above) and can monitor TEER continuously in real-time without having to remove the cells from the incubator. 


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